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Install on Ubuntu

Guide for installing the CPU Miner on Ubuntu.


Please make sure your device meets all the following requirements:

Instructions (Beginner)

Hostero requires Docker to work. The installer will install Docker as well.

Run this command in the Terminal:
curl https://www.hostero.eu/install | sudo sh

Instructions (Advanced)

Hostero requires Docker to work. We recommend to install Docker via our script, but you can install it using alternative ways as well (supported versions).

1. Install Docker

Ubuntu 16.04
Run this command in the Terminal:
curl https://releases.rancher.com/install-docker/17.12.sh | sh
Ubuntu 18.04
Run this command in the Terminal:
curl https://releases.rancher.com/install-docker/18.06.sh | sh
Run this command in the Terminal:
mkdir -p /etc/docker; echo '{"dns": ["", ""]}' > /etc/docker/daemon.json; service docker restart

2. Install Hostero

Run this command in the Terminal:
docker run -e CATTLE_HOST_LABELS="account=ACCOUNT_ID" --rm --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/lib/rancher:/var/lib/rancher rancher/agent:v1.2.11 http://europe1.hostero.eu:8080/v1/scripts/039D34CB4B128E9D3686:1546214400000:ToWJiNA8ZNqfP8VIBAspXy7ouI

Important: Replace ACCOUNT_ID with yours. You need to Login.

Startup Script

Cloud providers have an option to set a startup script. The script will execute after the VPS is created, so you don't have to manually install it.

Add this to the startup script:
curl https://www.hostero.eu/install?a=ACCOUNT_ID | sh

Important: Replace ACCOUNT_ID with yours. You need to Login.

Video Tutorial (Deprecated)

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